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Why to choose galvanized steel pipe to be used in your glass curtain wall system

In recent years, glass curtain wall decoration as an important means of modern architecture has been widely used around the world. Considering glass curtain wall is used as architectural finishes outside the project, how to choose the proper type of structural frame would have great effect on the building appearance and practical function in construction projects.

As a rule, in course of glass curtain wall construction, each step should be in strict accordance with the design and construction standards. For example, the glass curtain wall should be designed based on the principle of equal pressure in the form of columns and beams. In addition, with respect to structural frames used in glass curtain wall system, galvanized steel pipe is considered cost-effective steel structure in the current steel pipe market. Unlike other types of structural frame materials in the market, galvanized steel pipe is immediately ready for use when it is delivered. No additional preparation of the surface is required, no time-consuming inspections, additional painting or coatings are needed. Once the structure is assembled, contractors can immediately begin the next stage of construction without having to worry about the galvanized steel materials. If you would choose galvanized pipe to be used in your glass curtain wall system, you can avoid the cost of maintaining and replacing corroded pipes. Furthermore, Testing and studies have revealed that the average life expectancy for galvanized steel used as a typical structure material is well beyond 50 years in a rural environment and 20-25 years or more in an extreme urban or coastal setting. In that regard, contractors can confidently use this product in project. If you would use hot dipped galvanized steel pipe in your glass curtain wall system, the structural frame can last much longer, which will save you a lot of money in the project in a long run.

Moreover, it is very important for you to use the proper type of structural material in your glass curtain wall system because safety is thought as prime consideration in course of glass curtain wall construction. At present, Tianjin steel pipes have not only excellent quality assurance, and also a relatively complete range of specifications, which can basically meet the needs of all walks of life for the practical application purposes. In the current steel pipe market, Tianjin steel pipes are available in a variety of structural shapes that are widely used for curtain wall systems in large building projects in the world today. Tianjin steel pipes are easy to fabricate, readily available, and cost less than most other metals in the market.

Tel: +86 18202256900 Email: steel@fwssteel.com

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