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Why does curtain wall become so hot as modern building fabric nowadays

In the modern building construction, curtain wall has been widely used as building fabric for a long time, which is regarded as a major part of the buildings nowadays.

aluminum curtain wall

Mostly, curtain wall systems will usually contain openings as a means of providing physical access, admitting daylight, providing natural or mechanical ventilation, supplying services, allowing drainage, and so on. In some cases, this may conflict with other performance requirements, for example, openings may cause security, privacy or noise nuisance issues. These potential conflicts require careful consideration and design, which may include the use of screens, shades, baffles, and so on. There are many benefits of using curtain wall facade as the modern building fabric, including:
•Protect the building occupants from the weather, such as wind, rain, solar radiation, snow, and so on.
•Regulate the indoor environment in terms of temperature, humidity, moisture, and so on.
•Provide privacy for occupants.
•Prevent the transmission of noise.
•Provide security for occupants and the building contents.
•Provide safety, for example preventing the spread of fire or smoke.
•Provide views into and out of the building.
•Provide access between the inside and the outside of the building.

For modern curtain wall buildings, building fabric is seen much less as just a stylistic add on to a building, but more as a fundamental part of to the way the building operates. Increasingly, this is resulting in the creation of complex, multi layered elements to the building fabric, and the use of modern materials such as high performance glazing, architectural fabrics, active shading, and so on. Nevertheless, junctions between the elements that make up the building fabric can sometimes cause some problems, for example creating a cold bridge between the inside and the outside. In that regard, good curtain wall glazing can allow for reductions in heating and cooling loads, lower energy use and lower carbon emissions, which means there is a trade off between the capital cost of the building fabric, the capital cost of building services, and the operating cost of the building in the long run. On the other hand, it still seems more challenging to improve the performance of existing buildings. For example, retrofitting can include improvements to air tightness, the introduction of double glazing, the installation of cavity wall insulation or internal or external solid wall insulation, and so on.

Dong Peng Bo Da Steel Pipe Group is a famous steel pipe manufacturer in China. We are committed to producing various types of steel products for your choice in your building project in future. Our products are all designed for the fast and easy installation of curtain walls. Contact us if you have any need in your project.

Tel: +86 18202256900 Email: steel@fwssteel.com

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