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What are the basic usages of hot dipped galvanized steel pipe

As we all know, steel pipe is widely used in both production and construction and the production process of steel tube varies greatly with the practical requirements in different fields. From the steel pipe choice, we can find that hot dipped galvanized steel pipe becomes a relatively good choice. However, what is the downstream industry of galvanized steel pipe? What is the application of this kind of steel pipe?

hot dip galvanized steel pipe

The first thing to say about this kind of steel pipe is to look at the processing procedures which are quite complex. In addition, the requirements of the process are also very high compared with other steel pipes such as black steel pipe. Generally speaking, we should put a molten metal and iron together firstly by the chemical reaction to produce alloy layer. The layer can fully guarantee the combination of substrate and coating, which can help for the improvement of the strength of the steel tube. Of course, before the fusion of the steel pipe, the pipe should be cleaning in the acid solution to remove the iron oxide on the surface of the steel tube, which is conducive to better manufacturing process. After acid pickling of the steel pipe, fully fusion in the tank is also very important with zinc chloride aqueous solution to ensure the square tube coating is more uniform. Then the service life of the product will be greatly extended.
The performance of this type of steel pipe is quite good because of its uniform coating. For customers who require high quality products, they are more willing to purchase steel pipes such as cold rolled steel pipe with uniform coating without bubble so as to maintain the integrity of the coating that can play out better effect. In general, steel pipe manufacturers provide customers with customized service that means the zinc quantity is not always the same according to the customer demands. From the point of application, the corrosion resistance of round steel pipe is stronger and it can be used in harsh environments. Nowadays, for many types of production and processing industry, round steel pipe becomes more and more popular.

It has to be said that the hot dipped galvanized steel pipe has a superior performance, which makes it more useful. When choosing pipes, we should consider the practical requirements in different environments according to the quotation detail provided by steel pipe supplier to choose the suitable one.

Tel: +86 18202256900 Email: steel@fwssteel.com

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