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Varied types of sustainable construction materials

Under the principle of sustainable development, more and more steel pipe suppliers are more likely to produce environment friendly steel pipes. But what is on earth sustainable construction materials? As we all know, they are different types of building materials made from recycled products and resources that can be replenished in a relatively short period of time such as lumber, stone, metal as well as those referred to as green building products. Materials including bamboo, cork, even straw that can be recycled and reused as building products are examples of quickly renewed construction materials. Do you know more information about their types?

The most widely used recycled materials, probably, is reclaimed lumber which is used for green building. What is lumber taken from? Actually, it is taken from abandoned structures, which can be reused for other projects, along with other materials such as black steel pipe. The apparent advantage of using reclaimed lumber is that it can preserves timber and save energy. Of course, recycled lumber is more expensive than first-use lumber. Because we need to take more time and money spent reclaiming and treating it. The flip side is the disadvantage that chemicals from previous treatments contained in reclaimed lumber might be detrimental to the environment.

sustainable building

Is there other kinds of natural materials reclaimed and used as sustainable construction materials? The answer is sure. Nearly any natural materials such as stones, cold rolled steel pipe and concrete are suitable for sustainable construction materials. The merits and drawbacks of using them are similar to that of reclaimed lumber. Volatile organic compounds existing in recycled natural products is one of the biggest concerns. Things, like paints, stains or other chemical treatments also contain VOCs harmful to the environment.

More easy-renewable products are prevailing as sustainable construction materials in modern construction industry, including bamboo and cork. In sustainable building design, bamboo, regarded as fast-growing plant, is being used more frequently because of its rapid growth cycle as well as its versatile applications. Even steel building, bamboo is applied to reinforce concrete and more and more material lists contain bamboo. Cork also gain a popularity in construction field as a sustainable construction material. The removal of the bark form a tree can cause a cork harvest without chopping down the tree. It is necessary for floor materials of more residences home and abroad. Are you immersed in delving into the sustainable construction materials now? You can read the article ‘Different green construction materials’ for your reference if you are interested in it. With the development of technology, there will be more and more innovations made in sustainable construction material. Baked earth and clay and new concrete forms as well have already appeared.

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