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Two major types of curtain wall systems in the modern construction applications

With an increasing number of high-rise buildings in the modern times, curtain wall systems came into our life. In the current era, curtain wall systems have gained structural importance equivalent to that of other structural elements. Due to the fact that they are constantly exposed to the exterior atmosphere, curtain wall glazing has to be appropriately designed, installed and maintained regularly in applications. All this depends on the functionality and durability of the curtain wall system installed to support the structure of the building.

Two major types of Curtain Wall System:
In most cases, curtain wall structures are precast at the factory in advance and assembled before they are brought to the site. Basically, there are two types of curtain wall systems depending on the method by which the components are assembled.
1. Stick Curtain Wall System
2. Unitized Curtain Wall System
Stick Curtain Wall System:
In this type of curtain wall system, the components are assembled piece by piece on the structure of the building. This system is mainly used for low-rise buildings or in small regions. This is due to the fact that for reaching higher elevations it is important to have exterior access. This system promises flexibility as it gives space for onsite adjustments. Though it has the advantage of low shipping costs, the labor and time consumption should not be underestimated as tend to run quite high.
Unitized Curtain Wall System:
In this type of curtain wall system, the parts are already assembled in the factory. The components are installed and brought as a single unit from the factory to the site. This negates the need for individual installation. The size of the unitized curtain walls is directly proportional to the floor to floor height of the structure. If you would like this type of structural glass curtain wall in high-rise buildings, they don’t need external supports such as cranes or scaffolding. Only mini cranes or temporary hoist are needed. This system offers the benefits of quick construction and good quality as the components are manufactured in a factory setting. However, this type of curtain wall system tends to increase the shipping charges due to need for larger and better protection during transportation to the site.

In addition, the cost of getting a curtain wall system installed depends on the type of curtain wall you would like to have and the curtain wall costs in construction budget. Simply put, both of these two types of curtain wall systems can shield the exterior of the building and even protects the interiors in applications.

Tel: +86 18202256900 Email: steel@fwssteel.com

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