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Transparent curtain wall and non-transparent curtain wall

Curtain wall construction can be divided into glass curtain wall, stone curtain wall, aluminum curtain wall, artificial panel curtain wall, etc. According to the structure, it can be divided into unit curtain wall, component curtain wall, double-layer curtain wall, etc. It is very good to understand that the stone curtain wall and the aluminum plate curtain wall belong to the non-transparent curtain wall, but it is wrong to identify the glass curtain wall as the transparent curtain wall, for example, the glass curtain wall of the inter-layer part belongs to the non-transparent curtain wall. There are many engineering cases in which the glass curtain wall of the inter-layer part is mistaken as the transparent curtain wall design in the project, and even the curtain wall project is met with huge obstacles when the installation is completed and the completion acceptance is completed, or even dismantled. The heat transfer coefficient of transparent curtain wall is required to be low while that of non-transparent curtain wall is required to be high.

Therefore, the insulation layer should be set behind the curtain wall panel at the inter-layer parts. It is wrong to think that the simple insulating glass can meet the thermal requirements, and there are concrete walls behind the insulating glass at the inter-layer parts, which can better meet the thermal requirements. Because the glass curtain wall at the inter-layer parts belongs to the non-transparent curtain wall, and the heat transfer coefficient is required to be high. This is one of the misconceptions. The second is to average the heat transfer coefficient of the transparent curtain wall and the non-transparent one according to the area, and get the heat transfer coefficient of the building curtain wall, which is used as the basis for the thermal performance grading of the curtain wall. All the building thermal standards in our country are given the requirements and specifications for the thermal performance of transparent curtain wall and non-transparent curtain wall respectively, and there is no overall specification for the modern curtain wall.

Different types of transparent curtain walls are allowed to average the weight according to area in the same direction, while non-transparent curtain walls are not allowed to average the weight according to area, and each non-transparent curtain wall must meet the thermal requirements. Transparent curtain wall and non-transparent curtain wall shall be graded according to their thermal performance. Curtain wall suppliers should make a difference between transparent curtain wall and non-transparent curtain wall.

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