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The principle and application of galvanized steel pipe

Steel pipe such as galvanized steel pipe in our daily life plays an important role and brings much convenience to our lives. However, steel pipe generally exist in the place where we can’t see like buried in the ground or in the water. At the same time, these invisible damp places can cause raw material eroded in a poor performance manner as the raw material of steel pipe is steel which is prone to corrosion. The water and air will speed up its rust which can cause leakage and it is quite difficult in maintenance. So we need to find a way to prevent the rust of steel pipe. With the development of technology, galvanized steel pipe come up to the demands of daily life.

galvanized steel pipe

Special technology is adopted in the production of galvanized steel pipe that is galvanizing steel tube wall and pipe surface with zinc. Why? Zinc can keep their own stable properties when contacting with air and water by a blocking barrier. This characteristic can be applied to the steel pipe, which can solve rusty problem. Galvanized steel pipe according to different production processing can be divided into cold galvanized steel pipe and hot dipped galvanized steel pipe. Cold galvanized steel pipe is often known as electric galvanized steel pipe. The zinc layer by cold galvanizing is thin and uneven that can be splashed on easily. Then it will fail to prevent rust and even cause pollution to the environment or human health. Of course, this kind of technology is not popular among steel pipe manufactures. Meanwhile, a long list of countries all over the world has started to ban the application of cold galvanizing technology from the beginning of the last century. The environmental protection steps make impacts on the steel pipe price. Steel pipe suppliers will factor in more aspects when pricing.

In contrast, hot dipped galvanized steel pipe is more and more popular and exert an important function in preventing steel rust. For example, it is usually used in some fire engineering, oil and gas transportation as well as water conservancy construction. Compared with ordinary steel pipe, hot sipped galvanized steel pipe has the advantage of corrosion that is why the pipe price is higher than that of ordinary steel pipe. The anti-corrosion quality is the key to the thickness of the zinc coating, so steel pipe manufactures will pay more attention to galvanizing technology.

Tel: +86 18202256900 Email: steel@fwssteel.com

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