Something about rolled carbon steel
Rolled carbon steel is a kind of metal alloy which has been passed between two rollers so that it can be compressed into sheets, strips, bars or rods. Besides this process technology can also be applied to hot or cold rolled steel pipe. Comparing hot rolling process with cold rolling process, we can find that the former is at a temperature that is high enough for the product to deform while the later is at room temperature.
Iron mined from the earth and carbon is also the raw substance of carbon steel which is a kind of metal alloy. However, it is not the only product which is based on iron and it is frequently used in construction. Steel pipe manufacturer can adopt the method of rolling to transform carbon steel stock into more manageable forms and it can also makes the steel easier to divide, transport or other intended purpose. Steel factories can use different approaches to produce carbon steel so that to meet the requirements of customers who need protean product properties.
In the first paragraph of this article, we mention the rolling process that is hot-rolling and cold-rolling simply. Now we can talk about it in depth. From the name of the two processing method, we can get a clear indication of the distinction between this two kinds of rolling methods. They are both put the carbon steel through the rollers in different temperature which can form different hardness of the steel and then they can form more manageable form such as flat sheets, strips, bars or rods. Steel pipe prices will be different on the basis of their property and processing technology. Hot rolled carbon steel is more flexible or ductile as well as more tensile strength while cold rolled carbon steel maybe a little hard and brittle.
Cold rolled carbon steel can be used for a variety of purposes. If you want to know more knowledge about carbon steel you can refer to the passage ‘Introduction of low carbon steel’. Hot rolled carbon steel is subjected to heat which can distort measurements until the product cools while cold steel can be precisely measured before through the rollers which tends to be more expensive and have a more expansive application scope. The application scope includes cars, planes and home appliances. Typically, hot rolled carbon steel is often forged into metal sheets and can be used to build load-bearing structures which need the product performance of flexibility.
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