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Residential curtain wall systems in applications

Originally designed for commercial applications, the demand for exquisite architectural glazing in the residential market has increased dramatically in recent years resulting in superb residential structural glass curtain wall systems. Like commercial curtain walls, residential curtain wall systems envelope buildings in non-structural glass and aluminum facades that transfer loads and resistance to the building’s main structure. These glazing systems utilize thermally broken heavy duty glass panes for optimal heat efficiency in applications.

In most cases, retrofitting an existing home with a glass wall is a major project, and not just in terms of your energy expenses afterwards. Typically, this kind of renovation requires the advice of an architect. Since you’ll be significantly altering the building structure, you’ll need professional know-how to ensure, among other things, that your wall can bear the load from your roof and that it stays in line with energy and permitting codes in your area. To keep glass walls sturdy, builders may prefer aluminium curtain wall used in residential buildings, which are not known to have great insulation. Likewise, if the wall features multiple panels of glass, there’s an increased chance for moisture infiltration and air leaks in the small gaps between the panes.

If your builder is smart about the environmental design of a custom curtain wall, he or she can potentially construct a home that will actually maximize natural heating and cooling by capturing the sun’s warmth or deflecting it. It’s not a one-size-fits-all formula. The type of passive heating and cooling features you choose depends a lot on your home’s regional climate. A green building service or architecture firm will know how to best adapt your home design for your area. For example, if winter heating forms the bulk of your energy expenses, a south-facing wall helps you maximize solar heat throughout the day. South-facing walls tend to absorb the most heat due to their position so that they receive the sun’s light at a more direct angle. That solar heat filters into your home’s interiors, which can potentially help offset some of your heating needs. Conversely, if you live in a warmer climate, it’s wiser to a glass wall on the north side of your home.

Dong Peng Bo Da Steel Pipe Group is a famous steel pipe manufacturer in China. We are committed to producing various types of steel products for your choice in your building project in future. Our products are all designed for the fast and easy installation of curtain walls. Contact us if you have any need in your project.

Tel: +86 18202256900 Email: steel@fwssteel.com

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