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Intelligent glass curtain wall

The extensive use of traditional glass curtain wall technology will bring serious light pollution. High energy consumption; Line-of-sight interference; Indoor sanitation quality decline and other problems. In order to solve these problems, a new glass wall — intelligent glass curtain wall technology has been developed in Germany, Britain and other western European countries. In a broad sense, intelligent glass curtain wall includes glass curtain wall, ventilation system, air conditioning system, environmental monitoring system and building automatic control system. The core of its technology is a special curtain wall which is different from the traditional curtain wall — thermal channel curtain wall. It consists mainly of a single glazed trough and a double glazed curtain wall. There is a buffer zone between the two curtain walls, with air intake and exhaust facilities at the upper and lower ends of the buffer zone. The working principle of the thermal channel curtain wall is that in winter, the thermal channel in the middle of the inner and outer curtain walls rises in temperature due to sunlight, like a greenhouse. In this way, the outer surface temperature of the inner curtain wall is increased and the running cost of the building is reduced. Rich in the summer, both inside and outside the two layers of curtain wall thermal channel temperature is very high, then open the hot channel at the ends of the up and down into the outlet, in a hot air flow channel and due to the heat stack effect, the channel and the airflow movement take away heat channel, so that we can decrease the temperature of the outer surface of the medial wall, reduce air conditioning load, save energy.

The outer curtain wall structure is designed as a closed one, and the inner curtain wall is designed as an open one, so that the adjustment of inlet and exhaust vents at the upper and lower ends of the passage forms negative pressure in the passage, and the air flow can be formed in the building for ventilation by using the pressure difference and opening fan of the indoor curtain walls on both sides.
Smart glass curtain wall from the designing idea, content, composition and working process of various ways, is a multifunctional curtain wall system of each professional coordination it with the traditional glass curtain wall has the very big difference, not only have a glass support structure, including part of the building environment control and building services systems, through intelligent glass curtain wall can control light outdoor, provide ventilation. Since the intelligent glass curtain wall is made of 3 layers of glass and the outside is fully enclosed, the interference of external noise to the interior of the building can be greatly reduced.

Tel: +86 18202256900 Email: steel@fwssteel.com

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