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How to protect your steel conduits in applications

When you are ready to start a wiring project in your home, garage, shed, or barn, it seems very important for you first to decide the proper type of steel conduits for wiring. Some wire has its own sheath coating, requiring only that it be stapled to wall studs and joists to secure it. These types of wires are all enclosed in the same sheath but are not without danger of damage due to contact by anything that can cut into the plastic sheath and wires. Therefore, it seems necessary for you to protect your steel conduits in applications sometimes.

steel conduit

Galvanized steel pipe has been widely used in electrical applications for many years. There are a number of requirements that detail the length of time that steel conduit must be able to withstand being exposed to various corrosive environments without degradation. Regarding other end-use areas, sprinkler pipe, gas transmission pipe, drill casings, drinking water piping and others are also governed by various regulations that address the type of environments those pipes are likely to be exposed to as well as how long steel conduits should be able to withstand those environments. As steel pipe manufacturers in China know, there is one industry requirement for steel conduits corrosion resistance in electrical conduit that is 600 hours of exposure to a saltwater mist without any visible red rust formation on the surface.

In the real life, corrosion and repair of corrosion damage are multi-billion dollar problems. As it is generally a natural process it can lead to a severe decrease in the functionality and esthetics of metal products. Therefore, it is believed that a successful corrosion control program is a never ending practice. It begins with an effective design and installation of the pipeline, executing corrosion control methods, and maintaining and monitoring the lines. Today, welded steel pipe is widely used in the piping systems to convey fluids over significant distances. Hot dipped galvanized steel pipe is one ordinary type of pipes used for pipelines in the world. As to some buried pipelines, it is a fact that steel is prone to corrosion in use as the time goes on. Therefore, it seems very necessary for you to try to take measures to extend their service life. Generally, there are three main repair scenarios considered such as pipe subject to external metal loss (caused by corrosion or mechanical damage), pipe subject to internal metal loss (caused by corrosion, erosion or erosion/corrosion), and piping components that are leaking. In addition to these main repair scenarios, the extent of the deterioration or damage (i.e. localised or extensive) will also be considered when choosing the repair methods and repair components.

Tel: +86 18202256900 Email: steel@fwssteel.com

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