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How to look at functional isolation performance in curtain wall design

As a rule, the primary purpose of a curtain wall system is to protect the building against the exterior natural elements such as sun exposure, temperature changes, earthquake, rain, and wind. This protection can be separated into two major categories, namely structural safety and interior environmental control. The structural safety problems include failures of wall component, wall facing material, and fasteners. The interior environmental control problems include excessive energy loss, noise control, mold growth, interior water condensation, and water leakage. It is essential to maintain this protection for the life of the building ideally without periodic repairs or total renovation.

Because glass curtain wall has long been affected by the unfavorable factors of the natural environment, such as wind, sun, rain, ultraviolet radiation, earthquakes, etc., it is required that the glass curtain wall must have weather resistance, durability, corrosion resistance, as a bonding material. Structural sealant has become the focus of attention. Recently, there are four major kinds of functional isolation performance in the modern curtain wall design as follows:
In practical applications, curtain wall facade system can help to reduce the carbon dioxide emission because of the reduced rate or profits in the internal and external environment.
The function of water penetration is very important and basic. With the impermeable sealing screen, the water is kept between the two stages. The water is completely protected at the primary level and the secondary level fails the water goes directly to the drain.
By the cladding system wind works get transferred to the building floor. Additionally, each layer has an air load system on the building. This is very important for reducing the emission of CO2 and heat consumption. In the obsolete and transparent area, the insulation material is provided. Acoustic insulation is available inside as well as outside the curtain wall building. The high acoustic feature is given by concrete structure and sheets.
With the glass surface, the electoral cover is given which helps in reducing the solar control. This cover is known as solar radiation as it helps in passing the radiation of different wavelengths. Due to UV rays, the screen space of the screen might get reduced. In that case, on the curtain walling system, you can apply the UV-inhibiting film to the glass page.

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