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How to look at curtain wall systems applied in the modern buildings

For a long time, buildings have long been constructed with the exterior walls of the building supporting the load of the entire structure. The development and widespread use of structural steel pipes and later reinforced concrete allowed relatively small columns to support large loads; hence, exterior walls of buildings were no longer required for structural support. When people are considering the durability of the building, curtain walls play an efficient role in adapting to different temperature ranges. This is because of the case in high rise building, as the number of floors the temperature seems high and would be a risk factor for the occupants working in those floors. It is also required to have resistance against water penetration and hence stop corrosion.

In the modern buildings, curtain wall systems are considered as structural elements of a building. As it acts as a partition between exterior and interior environment of the building, it has a role in transmission of loads acting for structural stability. It transmits wind induced loads to the primary structure. It also resists the seismic accelerations keeping the occupants comfortable. Other than this it has to resist gravity loads coming over it. In recent years, curtain wall system comprises one of the elements of facade technology in high rise building. Facades involves window wall, cladding elements and curtain walls which generates the exterior envelope of the building. Today, the curtain wall systems now possess structural importance equivalent to that gained by other structural elements of the building. As it has a higher exposure to exterior atmosphere, it has to be properly designed, installed and maintained keeping in mind the functionality and sustainability.

Curtain walls are often part of a building envelope and comprise one part of a wall system. Each glazing system requires careful integration with other adjacent structural elements such as wall claddings, roofs, and wall details. In the current market, curtain wall systems range from standard prefabricated systems to specialized customized wall units. Increased costs often come with additional customization and larger sizing. Glass curtain walls are lightweight aluminum-framed facades housing glass or metal panels. These glazing systems don’t support the weight of a roof or floor. Instead, gravity loads and wind resistance transfer from the surface to the building’s floor line. Glass curtain walls are not exclusive to commercial applications. They also provide viable glazing solutions for residences as well.

Are you ready for curtain wall systems in your building? Dong Peng Bo Da Steel Pipe Group is a famous steel pipe manufacturer in China. We are committed to providing various types of steel products for your choice in your building project. Contact us if you have any need.

Tel: +86 18202256900 Email: steel@fwssteel.com

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