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How to correctly use your welded steel pipe in applications

Among various common welded steel pipes, hot dipped galvanized steel pipe is widely favored by people, for its zinc coating is more corrosion than bare iron and steel. As a rule, corrosion and repair of corrosion damage are multi-billion dollar problems. Although corrosion is a natural phenomenon, and can never be completely eliminated, it seems necessary for uses to utilize adequate corrosion protection systems in harsh environments in order to drastically reduce the costs. On the other hand, finished galvanized steel pipe has a practically effective maintenance-free corrosion protection system which can last for decades in the harshest environment. Practically speaking, most of steel pipe manufacturers tend towards two major variations of the cathodic method of corrosion protection. Zinc is anodic to iron and steel and the galvanized coating provides provides cathodic corrosion protection as well as barrier protection.

As a general, there are some notes on how to have the general care and basic maintenance of your welded steel pipes in the actual application.
1) Try to avoid long period exposure of welded steel pipes to harsh environment where the Ph is below 6 or above 12.
2) Try to avoid direct contact between galvanized pipe and some dissimilar metals, such as brass and copper, particularly in corrosive environment. On the other hand, it has been necessary to ensure an insulator between the dissimilar metal and the galvanized product where dissimilar metals are to be used together.
3) Try to avoid long period of storage of galvanized pipe in damp and poorly ventilated conditions. Ensure the storage place is relatively dry and there is effective ventilation.
4) If there exists physical damage to the galvanized coating of products, it is recommended that the damaged part be repaired per as specific production standard.

Since cold rolled steel pipe has a wide range of applications in life, it is important to understand what factors will affect its performance in different environment and that what notes should users do pay attention to in any actual application. As a rule, corrosion and repair of corrosion damage are multi-billion dollar problems. Although corrosion is a natural phenomenon, and can never be completely eliminated, it seems necessary for users to utilize adequate corrosion protection systems in harsh environments in order to drastically reduce the costs. On the other hand, finished galvanized steel pipe has a practically effective maintenance-free corrosion protection system which can last for decades in the harshest environment.

Tel: +86 18202256900 Email: steel@fwssteel.com

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