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How to correctly start your curtain wall installation in your building project

In the modern buildings, curtain wall systems make a hit widely used as a building envelope to only support its own weight and withstand the effects of environmental forces in applications. It is not intended to assist the structural integrity of the building.

As a rule, before you start the curtain wall installation in your building project, there are a few considerations as below:
1. Having the layout for any set up is quite essential same as for the aluminium curtain wall system as the layout can determine about the exact placement of the system by the use of offset lines and each finished floor line that is developed with pre-established control lines;
2. It is an important step for the stick wall installations that contractors should keep in mind about the placement and type of anchor used as it could impact the wall design and load consideration of the wall;
3. Materials to be used for curtain wall installation should be checked beforehand as the placement and storage location for the material should be at the proper location so that can be accessed from each floor of the building;
4. Installation of the verticals and the horizontal mullions should be accurately positioned plumb and secure. Usually, verticals are installed prior than horizontals;
5. The most important thing for you to consider for proper installation of curtain wall system is the sealing of all corners of the curtain systems as otherwise walling system could develop a leakage and can get damaged;
6. Next important step is to select the internal and outer glazing of structural glass curtain wall system that could enhance the durability of the glass curtain wall system as well as can improve the aesthetics of the building;
7. After the installation of curtain wall system, the last important step is to ensure the proper application or installation of the exterior glazing caps and final sealants and for the interior, which is a requirement of drywall caps and retainers.

Dong Peng Bo Da Steel Pipe Group is a famous steel pipe manufacturer in China. We are committed to producing various types of steel products for your choice in your building project in future. Our products are all designed for the fast and easy installation of curtain walls. Contact us if you have any need in your project.

Tel: +86 18202256900 Email: steel@fwssteel.com

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