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How to choose curtain wall

Purely decorative, and steel structure collocation, generally do not do unit, because production is too trival, lack of flexibility, and lines of high-rise buildings, not the pursuit of modelling, which can choose excellent curtain wall system, because the main consideration is the use of performance, and the unit from the processing, construction and so on various aspects have obvious advantages.

Modern unit curtain wall also tends to develop towards complex modeling. It is also the facade effect of complex modeling. The type of surface material can often decide whether to do unit or frame type.
Frame curtain wall for modeling complex has the advantages of aluminium curtain wall, the reason is that this kind of curtain wall has light weight; site construction is easy, easy to ensure safety, but also is a complex modelling for glass, weight and stone curtain wall is more suitable for the unit, because of these panels and components are assembled in factory after lifting, it is easy to ensure the security of the system, If the curtain wall company has the conditions, it may be more willing to do the unit. Now the curtain wall quotation is very transparent, and the unit may have more advantages in the quotation.
In addition, compared with the curtain wall frame, the unit type has the following advantages: high installation accuracy, short construction cycle, construction site needs fewer construction personnel, easy management.
Disadvantages: not suitable for short floors, complex modeling of the building, the curtain wall contractor requirements (should have a production line).
For the top, the prospects of the unit are much better, but for owners or investors, the first consideration is the ultimate return, in terms of price, the framework is better than the unit. If there is no particular liking for the users of the development project, the investors are much more likely to choose the framework. This is independent of the performance of either method.
The biggest benefits of the unit curtain wall are :1, relatively clean, that is, the appearance is better. 2. The installation period is relatively short. The biggest advantage of the unitised curtain wall lies in the factory processing, so that the accumulated error in the construction is minimized; The advantage of frame curtain wall is to save materials, which is only from their characteristics; In the complex facade, if the frame curtain wall, may not be able to achieve the requirements of the curtain wall; The unit is factory processing, which can not do it with the computer repeated simulation, always can meet the requirements of the project.


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