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How to apply unitized curtain wall system in your building project

Today, curtain walls can be defined as non-structural aluminum-framed walls, containing infills of glass, thin stone, or metal panels that are connected back to the building structure. In recent years, unitized curtain walls have become the preferred method for enclosing buildings, as more building owners, architects and contractors see the benefits of this type of construction. Unitized curtain wall systems can be enclosed quickly between buildings, which can help to speed up the construction process leading to earlier occupation. The fabrication process for unitized systems is more consistent than for stick-built curtain walls, as unitized wall systems are constructed in almost an assembly line fashion, indoors, and under controlled environmental conditions.

Unitized curtain systems are composed of large glass units that are created and glazed within a factory and then sent to the construction site. Especially, structural glass curtain walls are very popular in building projects these years. Once on site, the units can then be hoisted onto anchors connected to the building. High quality, due to tight tolerances of fabrication in a climate-controlled environment, is only one hallmark of this type of system. Since there is no on-site glazing, another major benefit of using a unitized system is the speed of installation. The system can be installed in a third of the time of a stick-built system. This system is well suited for cases where there is a large volume of prefabricated unitized panels required, where there are higher field labor costs (thereby shifting the labor to a more cost-effective factory work force), where higher performance is needed (for wind loads, air/moisture protection, seismic/blast performance), for taller structures, and more regular conditions for panel optimization.

In recent years, market trends have seen a real increase in the demand for expansive glazing within new build developments, often with entire elevations and huge gabled walls designed to be made up purely of aluminium and glass. Aluminium curtain wall system is another very popular type of curtain wall widely used in the modern buildings today. Aluminium curtain wall is perfect for creating homes with large expanses of glass, and the whole elevations of buildings can benefit it from floor to ceiling glass spanning several floors and even sitting angled directly underneath the roof ridge.

If you are planning to start unitized curtain wall system in your building project now, Dong Peng Bo Da Steel Pipe Group would be your best choice in future. As a famous steel pipe manufacturer in China, we are committed to providing various types of steel products for your choice in your building project. Contact us if you have any need.

Tel: +86 18202256900 Email: steel@fwssteel.com

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