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How much do you know about your steel pipe applied in projects

There is no doubt that various types of steel pipe have been part of our life in the modern times. Nevertheless, it is a fact that few of you have a good knowledge of your steel pipe applied in projects. How much do you know about your steel pipe on earth?

Take welded steel pipe for an example here. To understand the production of steel pipe, we must start at the beginning of basic steel production. As a rule, most steel products are downstream, value added products made from these four basic or primary forms of raw steel, such as ingot, billet, bloom and slab. These forms can be produced in great volumes and easily re-heated, extruded, squeezed or formed into many other configurations so as to make virtually every steel product used today. Welded steel pipe is produced from two of these basic forms of steel, the round billet and the slab. A billet is a solid round bar of steel used to produce many other downstream products such as seamless steel pipe. The other types of welded steel pipe are produced from slab, which are solid rectangular blocks of steel. The slabs are reheated and processed into plate and coils.

The processing of Electric Resistance Welded (ERW) pipe begins as a coiled plate of steel with appropriate thickness and specific width to form a pipe that conforms to its relevant specification. Especially cold rolled steel pipe is cold formed. The ribbon is pulled through a serious of rollers that gradually form it into a cylindrical tube. When the edges of the cylindrical plate come together, an electric charge is applied at the proper points to heat the edges so they can be welded together. Electric Resistance Welded pipe is a high speed production product that can be made in continuous lengths up to 115. It produces uniform wall thickness and outside dimensions and is made in a wide range of specifications. It does, however, require minimum tonnage to set up on a specific size and sometimes has long lead times.

With reference to spiral steel pipe around us, it is not strange for you even if you are not able to recognize it at once. Spiral steel pipe is one type of structural steel pipe widely used in some large projects today, which has a DSAW seam the entire length of the pipe in a spiral form. The outside diameter is determined by the angle of the de-coiled steel against the forming head. The more acute the angle is, the greater the diameter is. The production of large, hot rolled coils of sufficient width and the development of dependable non-destructive testing methods has enabled this product to be placed in more demanding service. DongPengBoDa Steel Pipe Group is a famous steel pipe manufacturer in China. We are committed to producing a variety of steel pipe for your choice. Please contact us if you have any need in your next project in future.

Tel: +86 18202256900 Email: steel@fwssteel.com

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