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How much do you know about Galvanized Steel Pipe?

The process of galvanization was first discussed by scientists in the 1770s. It has been nearly 60 years before it was finally introduced in the 1830s. One French engineer named Stanislaus Tranquille Modeste Sorel took out the first patent for the process in 1937, and began manufacturing it soon after. By the 1850s, Europe was producing galvanized steel pipe out of manufacturing plants located around the continent. The United States followed shortly thereafter, opening its first plant in the 1870s.

galvanized steel pipe

Generally speaking, galvanized pipes are steel pipes that have undergone the galvanization process to prevent the steel from aging and rusting. In fact, the manufacturing of galvanized pipes occurs in two main processes: First, steel pipes are manufactured from raw materials, and then the pipes are galvanized in molten zinc. The finished product is a chemically bonded combination of steel pipes and zinc coating. Galvanized pipes come in various types, sizes and lengths. This product is widely used for underground piping, overground piping systems, industrial purposes, and scientific experiments, etc..

Hot-dipped galvanized steel pipe (also H.D.G. pipe) is one pipe type of galvanized pipes in steel industry. On the one hand, hot-dip galvanizing is a factory-controlled process performed under any climate condition. The hot-dip galvanizing process consists of three basic steps: surface preparation, galvanizing, and inspection, among which, the second step “galvanizing” is the most important one procedure. On the other hand, galvanized coatings have proven performance under numerous environmental conditions. The corrosion resistance of zinc coatings is determined primarily by the thickness of the coating but varies with the severity of environmental conditions.

Pre galvanized steel pipe (also G.P. pipe) is the other common pipe type of galvanized steel pipe. They are often manufactured through a coil/sheet that has undergone the galvanization process. Further galvanization needs no requirement after the coil/ sheet has been manufactured to pipe steel section. These pipes and tubes have a high structural integrity and well resistant to corrosive environment. G.P Pipes & Tubes are manufactured as per ASTM standards. Pre galvanized steel pipes & tubes are manufactured from ½” to 8″. Square hollow sections and Rectangular hollow sections are also available in pre galvanized finish. These pipes are generally used for fencing framework and indoor fabrication like truss work and grill work.

Common cold rolled steel pipe in general conforms with BS 1387. Commonly, tubes shall be supplied varnished unless it is specifically requested by the purchaser in his enquiry or order that the tubes shall be supplied self color or with a hot-dip zinc coating.

Tel: +86 18202256900 Email: steel@fwssteel.com

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