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How can the steel industry achieve green development

As a key point, the steel industry will face the challenge of “relative constraint” of carbon emission intensity, “absolute constraint” of total carbon emission and severe “carbon economy” in the future. The steel industry should adopt a positive attitude and scientific actions to develop in the process of carbon reduction and reduce carbon in the process of development.

Specifically for the steel industry carbon peak and carbon reduction path, from six aspects to do specific consideration and action. First, promote green layout. Irrational distribution will lead to a large amount of ineffective carbon emissions, so it is necessary to optimize the industrial layout for rectangular steel pipe, increase green logistics, promote green products throughout the life cycle and a higher level of supply and demand dynamic balance. The second is to save energy and improve energy efficiency by promoting advanced and applicable energy-saving and low-carbon technologies, improving the self-generating rate of waste heat and energy and the application of digital and intelligent technologies. The third is to optimize the energy use and process structure of square steel pipe, such as the optimization of the original fuel structure, and make full use of solar energy and other new and renewable energy, improve the recycling and utilization of scrap steel resources. Fourth, we will build a circular economy industrial chain, promote regional energy integration, improve the utilization of solid waste resources, and promote toughened co-production. Fifth, the application of breakthrough low carbon technology, such as hydrogen smelting process, oxygen blast furnace and non-blast furnace smelting. Sixth, institutional development and policy support.

According to different regional characteristics, development positioning, product process characteristics and green development level, coordinate the relationship between the stock, increment and potential of industry development. In the process of promotion, we will give full play to the role of energy conservation and efficiency improvement of steel conduit, transformation of energy structure, technological revolutionary innovation and digital intelligent transformation, and make good use of important tools such as pollution reduction and carbon reduction, multi-industry synergies and carbon markets.

All localities should implement ledger management of the wrong peak production work, and continuously track the implementation of the wrong peak production work of iron and steel enterprises within the jurisdiction through power analysis, on-site verification, ledger verification, transportation verification, online monitoring, satellite remote sensing and other means. Each city should publicize the implementation of the wrong peak production to the society on a monthly basis and accept social supervision. Local industrial and information technology departments and ecological environment departments shall urge steel pipe manufacturers to earnestly implement relevant regulations and incorporate the implementation plan of off-peak production into the pollution permit management of iron and steel enterprises.

Tel: +86 18202256900 Email: steel@fwssteel.com

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