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Development problems about Tianjin steel pipe

As a representative of the domestic steel pipe industry, Tianjin steel pipe occupies a significant location in the steel pipe market. The steel pipe industry here has been a leader in the development of the steel pipe especially for the galvanized steel pipe since the founding of new China. Although there have achieved good achievements in the past, there are still some problems to be solved in order to better face the future.


When it comes to product profit, reasonable is the first rule for the steel pipe managers that means basic profit should be kept in a reasonable range. Nowadays, however, the competition of steel pipe price is fierce, many small steel pipe suppliers will strike a price war, which is very unfavorable to the development of the market. Taking galvanized steel pipe price as an example, its profits should be at about five percent and many enterprises not reach that level. If taking this development strategy for a long time, small or medium-size enterprises will fall into a dilemma that will be a stone on the development road. Although the price war can play a role in the short term, it is not conducive to the enterprise in the long run. It suggests that the manufacturers should pay attention to this problem whether the square steel pipe or other pipes to guarantee a reasonable profit.

Secondly, we should enrich the pipe specifications such as hot rolled steel pipe size. According to some pipe specifications provided by various steel pipe suppliers, we can find that the product type is quite simple. If steel pipe manufacturers fail to enrich the product sizes, they will at a disadvantage place in the future competition. It is a pity that Tianjin steel pipe is eliminated because of the problem of product specifications as tube companies in Tianjin have a certain advantages. Besides, we should enrich the specifications according to the customers’ demand and enterprises need to explore the market demand actively.

Finally, Tianjin has a good geographical advantage, which is conduced to the development of foreign trade. As professional steel pipe manufacturers, they should pay attention to the problems appeared in the trade to improve their own competitiveness. International steel pipe market is a big opportunity for all the suppliers, which is also the main direction of future development. In a word, we need to win more opportunities for the development of enterprises to realize the progress of the whole industry.

Tel: +86 18202256900 Email: steel@fwssteel.com

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