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Curtain Walls Elements

If you are planning to use curtain wall in your building construction, you should take a couple of aesthetic considerations into account, such as construction budget, maintenance costs as well as technical requirements.

First of all, waterproofing consulting is pivotal to the project of analyzing existing conditions. Working with your curtain wall consultant and the senior consulting team, a thorough forensic investigation, including testing and analysis to reveal deficiencies and address them from project inception, ensures a sound result, leaving little room for errors which result in change orders. Furthermore, waterproofing is what completes your roof and walls, creating the building enclosure.

Secondly, curtain wall facade can shelter its inhabitants, protecting them from heat, cold and water, nurturing them in a safe environment, which is an intricate undertaking involving many components. Bringing all these disparate pieces of the puzzle together is of paramount importance to move forward, as the integrity of your building means reduced operating expenses and long-term building enclosure performance.

Thirdly, glass curtain wall systems have been extensively manufactured as building facades with high-efficiency properties prescribed by the designer. And among these properties, the most important are high strength-to-self-weight ratio, serviceability requirements, recyclability of the constituent parts, as well as transparency and overall aesthetic characteristics. In addition, by applying advanced finite-element analysis schemes and taking into account structural design criteria, an optimal structural design of the glass curtain wall system has to be carried out to achieve cost minimization once structural integrity and serviceability requirements have been fulfilled.

Lastly, aluminium curtain wall systems are also very popular used in commercial buildings against the city skyline. In practical applications, regular maintenance is required to ensure the most attractive appearance and the best performance for the commercial curtain wall buildings. Sealant compounds can provide added protection and should be reapplied once every 10 years after the initial construction is complete. Making sure that any cracks, chips or other damage is repaired promptly is critical to ensure that your curtain walls remain intact and that they continue to look and perform at their best now and for many years to come.

Dong Peng Bo Da Steel Pipe Group is a famous steel pipe manufacturer in China. We are committed to producing various types of steel products for your choice in your building project in future. Our products are all designed for the fast and easy installation of curtain walls. Contact us if you have any need in your project.

Tel: +86 18202256900 Email: steel@fwssteel.com

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