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Curtain wall safety inspection

Technical inspection of completion acceptance documents includes modern curtain wall design documents and construction acceptance documents. The technical inspection of design data includes the inspection of as-built drawings, calculation book and structural bearing capacity. It is professional and has a large workload, so it is listed separately. The main contents and methods are as follows:
Technical review of physical performance test report of glass curtain wall. Check the consistency of main structure and materials of curtain wall with as-built drawings and calculations. The conformity between the results of the test report and the indicators given in the curtain wall design specification is checked, on the premise that the indicators given in the curtain wall design specification are re-checked according to the standard specifications. If the indicators given by the curtain wall design instructions are not correct, the physical performance indicators of the structural glass curtain wall should be determined again, and the test report of the physical performance of the curtain wall should be checked with the physical performance indicators determined again. If the physical performance test index cannot reach the performance index of curtain wall, the safety and applicability of curtain wall should be judged comprehensively according to the structure calculation book and other data.

Technical review of material warranty documents. The main materials, such as aluminum profiles, steel, glass, silicone structural sealant, silicone building sealant, hardware and other test results, retest results and national standards and design requirements, check their specifications, thickness, status, validity period, etc.; And the conformity of the quantity of materials agreed in the main contract with the brand; Technical inspection of concealed acceptance records. Mainly check the conformity of the main technical requirements, such as the embedded parts or embedded parts after concealed acceptance records, the connection between the column and the main structure, and the joints of the fire and curtain wall structure, with the standards and design requirements; Technical inspection of project quality inspection records. It mainly checks the consistency of gluing records, installation size deviation and standard specifications and design requirements in the construction process.

Generally speaking, only for the structural safety of the review, the main component of the load-bearing capacity of the review checking the current standards and specifications of the method; In the appraisal of the accuracy of the original design, the curtain wall design should be reviewed according to the specifications. The structure bearing capacity review should check the bearing capacity and shape of the hidden frame glass curtain wall under the most unfavorable working conditions according to the current national and industry standards. Component and node checking calculation should be determined according to the actual state. When the original design document is valid, the material has no serious performance degradation and the construction deviation is within the allowable range, the standard value of material strength can be used.

Tel: +86 18202256900 Email: steel@fwssteel.com

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