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Curtain Wall Components

Nowadays, curtain wall facades are regarded one of the most important exterior elements for building functionality, which is also an elegant image that helps to define the unique architectural aesthetics of the building. As technology continues to improve, various options for curtain wall become available for incorporation into building facades.

In curtain wall construction, key requirements of the curtain wall are to provide/maintain air/water integrity in the cladding system, adequate wind, thermal and seismic performance in addition to provide light transmittance to the interior space. The actual constitution of the curtain wall is very important, which is generally a combination of several types of systems to express the architectural intent and aesthetically define the building profile. The system schemes may be an all-glazed facade like aluminum framed systems, point-supported curtain wall, cable net systems, an opaque facade, such as precast, natural stone and/or metal panels or a combination of schemes dependent on the building intent. In a glazed application, curtain wall generally consists of two sections: the vision area and the spandrel area.

Curtain Wall Components
In general, curtain wall system is comprised of multiple substrates including aluminum framing, stainless steel components, glazing, rubber gaskets, sealant, insulation and metal connections. The vision area allows light transmittance and the spandrel areas are designed to conceal the building floor beam structure and related mechanical elements. While the spandrel area is an opaque area, the architectural community always finds interesting ways to address the aesthetics by making the spandrel area pronounced or subtly blended as an all-glass facade when viewed from the exterior. In addition, the proper sizing and profile of the rubber gaskets are very important to performance of the glazing under wind and thermal loading. The hardness of the setting blocks that support the glass is also prescribed by the GANA, AAMA and ASTM.

Curtain Wall Installation & Maintenance
In most cases, curtain wall performance is not only dependent on design and workmanship but can also be enhanced by installation techniques. For the building to perform in an efficient manner, it is paramount that building management conduct routine maintenance checks on the envelope enclosure. This can be incorporated in regular scheduled washing of the building where elements such as sealant, glazing and gaskets can be reviewed.

Dong Peng Bo Da Steel Pipe Group is a famous steel pipe manufacturer in China. We are committed to producing various types of steel products for your choice in your building project in future. Our products are all designed for the fast and easy installation of curtain walls. Contact us if you have any need in your project.

Tel: +86 18202256900 Email: steel@fwssteel.com

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