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characteristics of welded steel pipe in industrial transportation

In the industrial transportation industry, there are lots of welded steel pipes with large diameter. How to produce them? Actually, they are made by large plates and steel, and then by a certain process, these steel plates or strips are bent into a circle or square shape. Generally speaking, the pipes that pressed into round shape are called welded round steel pipe. In a similar way, the tubes which are pressed into square steel pipes are called welded square steel pipes. However, no matter how many changes are made in the process, the methods such as high frequency welding, arc welding and submerged arc welding are indispensable. Through these welding methods, different pipe sizes can be produced according to customer demands. People who are involved in this industry will be more interested in the characteristics of welded steel pipe in the transportation process. Now we will introduce it to customers.

steel pipe

The first production characteristic of welded steel pipe such as round steel pipe is that the processing technology is the treatment of heat deformation. In fact, no matter what kind of steel pipe is produced, there is no essential difference among various production methods. For example, the production technology is similar between welded steel pipe and spiral steel tube. What is therm-mechanical treatment on earth? To put it simple, under state of austenitic, using steel and alloy is prone to plastic deformation and then quenching styling after the deformation of austenitic re-crystallization. You may ask if this processing method affect steel pipe price. Generally speaking, there is no direct relationship between production technology and steel pipe price although there are complex factors affecting steel pipe price such as the rise in raw materials and labor cost, processing equipment, etc. According to the recent investigation, the welding steel tube technology has not changed in the last ten years.

The another obvious characteristic is that the production or transportation or post-processing must be in line with the requirements of customers whose demands are multiple and complex sometimes. So how to meet the customer requirements? For example, steel pipe manufacturers need to know more detains about customer pipes such as pipe shape, diameter, packing method and so on especially for the transportation ways or pipe sizes. Therefore, providing customers with customized service is very necessary. And this service will attract more pipe orders as well as customer trust. If you want to go into particulars, email us please.

Tel: +86 18202256900 Email: steel@fwssteel.com

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