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Basic principles of solar greenhouse design

In contrast to traditional glass greenhouses, which often rely on fossil fuels to grow year-round, solar greenhouses can create warm year-round growing environments using only the power of the sun, natural materials and energy-efficient design. As a result, people can grow their favorite plants or fruits year-round in a solar greenhouse with less energy, water and resources.

In general, before we start building a solar greenhouse, there are a few considerations to think about in our project as follows:
1) Solar Heat Absorption
The two most critical factors affecting the amount of solar heat that a greenhouse is able to absorb are:
•The position or location of the greenhouse in relation to the sun
•The type of glazing material used
2) Solar Orientation
Since the sun’s energy is strongest on the southern side of a building, glazing for solar greenhouses should ideally face true south. However, if trees, mountains, or other buildings block the path of the sun when the greenhouse is in a true south orientation, an orientation within 15° to 20° of true south will provide about 90% of the solar capture of a true south orientation. The latitude of your location and the location of potential obstructions may also require that you adjust the orientation of your greenhouse slightly from true south to obtain optimal solar energy.
3) Slope of Glazing Material
In addition to north-south orientation, greenhouse glazing should be properly sloped to absorb the greatest amount of the sun’s heat. A good rule of thumb is to add 10° or 15° to the site latitude to get the proper angle.
4) Glazing
Glazing materials used in solar greenhouses should allow the greatest amount of solar energy to enter into the greenhouse while minimizing energy loss. Rough-surface glass, double-layer rigid plastic, and fiberglass diffuse light, while clear glass transmits direct light. Although plants grow well with both direct and diffuse light, direct light through glazing subdivided by structural supports causes more shadows and uneven plant growth. Diffuse light passing through glazing evens out the shadows caused by structural supports, resulting in more even plant growth.
5) Solar Heat Storage
For solar greenhouses to remain warm during cool nights or on cloudy days, solar heat that enters on sunny days must be stored within the greenhouse for later use. The most common method for storing solar energy is to place rocks, concrete, or water in direct line with the sunlight to absorb its heat. In addition, walls not used for heat absorption should be light colored or reflective to direct heat and light back into the greenhouse and to provide a more even distribution of light for the plants.

Dong Peng Bo Da Steel Pipe Group is a famous steel pipe manufacturer in China. We are committed to producing various types of steel products for your choice in your greenhouse project in future. Our products are all designed for the fast and easy installation in applications. Contact us if you have any need in your project.

Tel: +86 18202256900 Email: steel@fwssteel.com

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