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Are your ready for your curtain wall building project

Technically speaking, curtain wall is the wall of the building enclosure, not bearing, like the curtain as hang up, so it is also called the hanging wall, which is a modern large and tall building with decorative effective of the wall of light in practical applications. Curtain wall generally consists of the structural frame and the inlaid plate, which does not bear the main structure, load and function of the building envelope.

As a rule, each project is judged on its use of structural steel from both an architectural and structural engineering perspective. Steel is very flexible, and easy to modify and customize according to your personal preference. It also has this natural beauty praised by many architects which makes them more excited to work with steel compared to other materials. For example, pre galvanized steel pipe is easy to expose the building’s beauty in a design that will emphasize its grace, strength, transparency, and slenderness. The column-free clear spans and the use of colored steel pipe coatings bring out the natural lighting of the frame and its simple elegance.

In general, curtain wall should be designed according to the principle of equal pressure in the form of columns and beams. Especially, the steel structure frames of the curtain wall should be paid much attention to before you want to start your building project. Typically, a structural steel frame has 50 KSI materials. This indicates that the steel has a yield stress that amounts to 50,000 pounds per square in– both in tension and compression. It also has a higher strength when it comes to weight ratio compared to other construction materials. In most cases, structural steel pipe stands out from various types of structural materials in curtain wall building projects because structural steel frame is stronger because it was further enhanced by steel reinforcing process compared to other traditional construction materials. The increase in its standard strength is greater than the total strength of other competing highly strong materials.
In the current steel pipe market, galvanized steel pipe generally is cost effective to be used in a curtain wall building project. Compared with other typical steel pipe coatings, such as specialized painting and powder coating, galvanization is much more labor-intensive and better corrosion resistance. Besides, due to its durability and anti-corrosive properties, galvanized steel pipe can recycled and reused, which to some degree save a lot of money during the post maintenance work.

Tel: +86 18202256900 Email: steel@fwssteel.com

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