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Advantages of applying multi span greenhouses in your farming

In commercial agricultures, if you would like to make an improvement in your crop production and quality, a careful selection of greenhouse structure, glazing, and climate control system is required. All greenhouses should be designed properly to withstand all possible load factors for safety and proper functionality purposes. In most cases, a multi-span greenhouse can greatly provide land utilization rate and can also meet the needs of automatic production and operation in the modern agriculture today. Multi-span greenhouses are available with variable wall height, span width, vent location and orientation. Specifically speaking, there are various types of multi-span greenhouses for your choice in farming, such as all-glass multi-span greenhouses, all-pc sunshine board multi-span greenhouses, PC sunshine board-glass multi-span greenhouses, film multi-span greenhouses, photonics greenhouses and new material multi-span greenhouses, etc. which are based on using different types of covering materials in applications. In most cases, the common spans of multi-span greenhouses are 8m, 9.6m, 10.8m, 12m, etc., and the bays are 4m and 8m.

Glass greenhouses are very popular in the modern farming around the world today. The principle of an agricultural glass greenhouse is that ultraviolet rays in solar radiation are absorbed by ozone, and infrared rays are absorbed by carbon dioxide and water vapor. And then the remaining short-wave radiation-visible light penetrates glass or plastic to reach the surface in the greenhouse. The surface in the greenhouse heats up after absorbing short-wave radiation and then transmits energy upward to the atmosphere in the greenhouse in the form of long-wave radiation. Long-wave radiation cannot penetrate glass and plastic, so a lot of heat is concentrated in the atmosphere in the greenhouse and the atmosphere inside and outside the greenhouse cannot exchange heat due to the blockage of glass and plastic, so the heat stays in the greenhouse and the temperature inside the greenhouse is high.

Generally speaking, multi-span greenhouses can offer low cost, effective, well ventilated coverage in all growing applications. A multi-span greenhouse is more energy efficient as it is better at heat retention than a single span greenhouse in applications. The high-roofed structures are also more productive and stronger than single span greenhouses. The tough nature of multi-span greenhouses makes them ideal for areas which often face thunderstorms and other forms of adverse weather. Besides, multi-span greenhouses have a surface area smaller than a number of single span greenhouses of equivalent production capacity. This results in less heat loss and significant energy savings. Substantial economies of scale and production efficiencies are also attainable using multi-span designs. Dong Peng Bo Da Steel Pipe Group is a famous steel pipe manufacturer in China. We are committed to providing various types of steel structures for your choice in your greenhouse project. Contact us if you have any need in the coming days.

Tel: +86 18202256900 Email: steel@fwssteel.com

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