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About the test of fire performance of curtain wall

1. Fire curtain wall specimen
1.1 The construction of specimens shall be consistent with the actual engineering application, and two specimens shall be provided as required, respectively for outdoor and indoor fire load test.
1.2 The height direction of the specimens directly exposed to fire shall include at least one typical height, and the width direction shall include at least two panel span areas.
1.3 In indoor fire load test, except for the area directly affected by fire, the upper part and one side of the specimen should expand outward at least 500mm in width, and the edge of the expanded specimen is in a free and unconstrained state. At least 50mm expansion gap should be reserved for the lower part of the specimen. When the extension area contains fireproof skirt wall, it should be retained according to the actual curtain wall structure.
1.4 For outdoor fire load test, the specimen can only include the area directly affected by fire. If and only if the area directly affected by fire contains part of the fire-proof skirt wall, the specimen should be extended outwards and retain the complete fire-proof skirt wall structure.
1.5 When the fireproof curtain wall contains an openable part, the test piece directly exposed to fire shall contain an openable part.
1.6 When the backlining material is used to fill the fire sealing part between the layers of the specimen or the fire sealing part of the partition wall, the filling part shall include at least one joint structure of the backlining material.
1.7 If there is cutting part of the specimen due to the test needs, the cutting part shall be sealed with grade A material of combustion performance.

2. Fire skirt wall specimen
2.1 The construction of specimens shall be consistent with the actual curtain wall construction application, and one specimen shall be provided as required.
2.2 The height of the specimen shall be consistent with the actual engineering application, and the width direction shall include at least two complete panels. One panel may be used if and only if the actual work consists of only one panel.
2.3 When the backlining material is used to fill the fire sealing part of the specimen between layers, the filling part shall include at least one joint structure of the backlining material.
2.4 The cutting part of the specimen shall be sealed by grade A material with combustion performance.
3. Fire blocking test piece
3.1 When the fire sealing structure is tested at the same time with the modern curtain wall or fire skirt wall, its specifications, size and quantity shall be determined according to the design requirements and the construction requirements of the fire curtain wall or fire skirt wall.

Tel: +86 18202256900 Email: steel@fwssteel.com

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