Keep a regular maintenance for your curtain wall facade system
In practical applications, curtain walls are typically constructed using lightweight glass, along with other materials such as aluminum, stone, marble, or composite materials. They are designed with numerous factors in mind, such as minimizing air and water infiltration, managing wind pressure, and thermal control. In that regard, routine mainte...
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How to look at the importance of fire rated curtain wall in tall buildings?
The possibility of a fire is a major concern when constructing a building. To protect those who inhabit these structures, specific attention is paid to the fire-resistance of the building materials. For some buildings that use a glass exterior facade, curtain wall systems have a low fire-resistance rating and as a result, elements such as sprink...
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How to look at curtain wall structure widely used in commercial buildings?
Glazed curtain wall systems have been gaining popularity in recent times, which are widely used in all types of commercial, industrial, institutional and residential buildings. In general, the design of curtain wall facade systems covers most of aesthetic considerations, weather proofing and structural evaluation. In most cases, the size and the...
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How to look at commercial curtain wall in the current market?
When people are considering the durability of the building, curtain walls play an efficient role in adapting to different temperature ranges. In recent years, curtain wall system comprises one of the elements of facade technology in high rise building applications. In the modern buildings, commercial curtain wall would be considered an apple of ...
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How to create a more energy efficient curtain wall facade for your building?
As curtain wall facade system becomes much more popular in the modern building construction today, many architects tend to prefer a more energy efficient curtain wall fa?ade in the modern buildings in the long term. In this article, we would like to talk about five fascinating buildings with varying approaches, including double skin glazing, low...