How to customize curtain wall against water penetration in applications?
Curtain wall construction has played a vital role in the modern building for a long time. And curtain wall buildings are so popular in a variety of applications both in commercial and residential fields. How to customize curtain wall against water penetration plays critical role in keeping the safety, thermal performance and comfort of the struc...
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Fire Resistant Curtain Wall Facades
Fire safety is always the first consideration prioritized by the curtain wall building design team. As we all know, the most common cause of death in a fire incident continues to be the excessive inhalation of gas, smoke or toxic fumes. Therefore, in-built fire barriers are included in building design to prevent the spread of flames and smoke, i...
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Curtain wall structure makes a hit in the commercial buildings today
Curtain wall structure is regarded as a distinctive feature of the modern buildings today. Especially, various types of curtain walls are expected of commercial buildings, not only because of their numerous practical advantages but also because of their beautiful appearance in applications. Furthermore, curtain walls do provide benefits to comme...
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Why to use curtain wall system instead of window wall system?
In the modern construction industry, curtain wall system and window wall system are commonly used methods of exterior cladding for mid-rise and high-rise buildings. In practical applications, both curtain wall system and window wall system are intended as all-in-one cladding systems. While most people think first of the glazing or window compone...
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Commercial curtain walling
Over the past few years, there has been a shift in the use of glass and aluminium products in the building construction. With more and more architects using or choosing to use glass to help them create more aesthetically pleasing shop or office designs, curtain wall is becoming the best way to achieve quality and great looks. When glass curtain ...