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Zinc plating

Zinc plating is a kind of processing method which is widely used for black steel pipe. The process is utilizing electric current to bond the material to be plated such as steel pipes of various kind. Before starting a electroplating process, we should make careful preparation including strict observance of safety procedures which is instrumental in the process of electroplating. Because the process involves both toxic and caustic chemicals harmful to mankind healthy. Actually, toxic chemicals involved in zinc plating is much less that that of other forms of plating. Besides, zinc plating is not confined in big companies, it can be done both in small shops and even home metal shops.

Do you know the application of zinc plating? In fact, the common application of zinc plating is to provide durable and economical zinc coating conducive to steel pipes like round steel pipe. Galvanizing is an alternative to zinc plating in which dipping hot steel is involved. A product which is coved with zinc will have a long life service. However, a special oven is required as far as hot dip galvanizing is concerned. Apart from the oven, toxic fume is an additional factor needed to be considered. Although electroplating is a less money commitment, hot dip galvanizing is prevailing in some places where corrosion is a overarching concern.

zinc plating

Zinc plating is also used for a combination of providing rust protection and enhancing appearance. Other hardware like nails can be processed even on small shops through zinc plating. The first step to do zinc plating is to make a thorough clean on the surface of a steel pipe like square steel pipe. The pipe can be rinsed with clear water afterwards. After cleaning, the pipe will be linked to the negative pole of an electrical source by copper wire. The stronger the current, the quicker the process is. Unless the surface of steel pipe is polished significantly, such exteriors are not smoothly.

It is not an easy job to plate metals to a uniform thickness of zinc for a steel pipe manufacturer. a combination plate is needed in some jobs, and nickel-zinc is an example of a combination plate. After finishing plating process, the steel pipe can be removed from zinc bath. Small  hardware such as couplers are available for use at once without a long time waiting. Of course, other aspects of zinc plating need to be considered. Are you interested in zinc plating process? Contact us at anytime.

Tel: +86 18202256900 Email: steel@fwssteel.com

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